Presentations for Students and Parents
More than 2000 schools and well over 1 Million students reached throughout the United States and Latin America since 2009
Get ready to witness a life-changing assembly program that will leave a profound impact on your students. No other program can match the story of how one young life has the power to inspire positive change in the fight against bullying, cyberbullying, and teen suicides.
This powerful true story will encourage students to turn their gaze inward, helping them examine how they treat others. Bystanders will be inspired to step up and stand with the victims, putting a stop to bullying in all its forms. At the same time, a message of forgiveness and love will be imparted to all present.
As the creator of this transformative program, I firmly believe that depression was the root cause of my son's tragic passing. While bullying cannot be excused, we must also take note of the mental health issues that are often swept under the rug. I teach students how pivotal it is to seek help without delay if they or a friend are in crisis, reinforcing the importance of suicide prevention.
This sensitive and age-appropriate program is tailored for students from grades 5-12 and lasts for a captivating 60 minutes. The story takes 45 minutes to narrate, following which the students will be engaged with powerful lessons learned from the story. These lessons include how forgiveness is healing and that self-advocacy paired with advocacy for others can prevent suicide. Students will leave the program inspired to become up-standers and to apologize when owed. Finally, they will know for certain that they are loved beyond belief.
Book me for this life-transforming assembly and witness how one story can bring about a positive change in the world.
John Halligan
PS. Great article for you to read : What Makes Storytelling So Effective For Learning? - Harvard Business Publishing

Student Assembly
Length: 60 minutes
Ryan's Story inspires students to make positive changes in their lives towards reducing bullying, cyber-bullying, and preventing teen suicides. Students are reached deeply and profoundly and are encouraged to examine their lives and how they treat others. Bystanders are inspired to stand by no longer and use their voices to stop others from getting bullied at school or online. All will leave this presentation feeling loved, hopeful, and changed.
For more information click here.

Parent Presentation
Length: 60 minutes
Ryan’s Story / A Father’s Hard-Earned Lessons About Cyberbullying and Suicide shares the lessons learned from my family's tragedy. It is updated every school year to address the latest social media problems facing preteens and teens. Practical recommendations are provided for parents to prevent suicide and bullying. Parents will get an unambiguous message that they need to step up and take responsibility for how their child uses technology and interact with their peers in person and online.
For more information click here.
My name is Stephanie, and you came to talk at my middle school around 2011. Although I was very young, Ryan's story touched me in ways I didn't think were possible. I know Ryan's story touched many people in my school, even those I thought would ignore it. I graduated high school in 2015 from Chelmsford High, and graduated college (University of Massachusetts Lowell) with a Psychology major and Criminal Justice Minor in spring 2019. Ryans story has stayed with me since I was 14 years old, and I am 22 now. You have imprinted on me, lessons I never would've learned. I am keeping your family in my prayers and heart; and there isn't a week that goes by that I don't think back to the presentation and story you told.
Former Student / Young Adult
Several days ago I had the pleasure to hear your presentation, as I am a staff member at Long Valley Middle School New Jersey. I have been teaching since the fall of 1967, so I have been subjected to far more useless assemblies than I care to remember! Honestly, your program is positively the best presentation for students that I have ever heard. For once, it was something that was real and tangible. Unless students are emotionally hooked into what is being delivered, they walk away unaffected. Yours, however, resonated and was authentic.
Thank you for having the courage to tell this story over and over again. I can’t imagine how hard it is to constantly open up and share this unbearable pain. My son asked me to go to your lecture last night, I am embarrassed to say that like every busy parent, I ignored the emails inviting us to this presentation. Having my son who is in the throes of navigating middle school tell me to go, made me get in my car after a long, busy day to sit and listen. Wow, was it worth it. I learned quite a bit about how I need to communicate with my son and have this on-going conversation about how to treat others. Tell your next audience of kids to encourage their parents to attend. Just like peer pressure, children can often persuade their parents to take action better than a slew of emails.
Thank you for dedicating your life to saving our kids lives. I have no doubt you are preventing many kids from hurting themselves and others
My name is Danielle and I live in New Jersey. Mr. Halligan visited my middle school, H.B.Whitehorne, several years ago. As I have grown older, the impact of his presentation has touched my life.
This is my first year of college and I've been having a hard time transitioning to living away from home. Everyday I tell myself, "you can always turn an ink blot into a butterfly", and that saying keeps me going. With any situation I find myself in, I repeat this saying in my head and it immensely helps me and puts my situation into perspective. Hearing your story and motivation truly inspires me to persevere and make the world a better place.
I think that you are one of the most powerful, motivational voices in the world. Your story is one that everyone must hear and it has changed my outlook on life. I am so thankful for you and your dedication to making this place a better world.
In 2008 you came to my middle school. Ryan's story 100% changed my life. I was bullied very much throughout school and many times planned my out. After Ryan's story, it gave me the perspective of the parents/loved ones' side. I remember specifically you telling us with your voice cracking with emotion that our parents love us SO much. Now 14 years later having my own children I understand that pure deep love that we have for our children. Thank you for sharing Ryan with all of us. I will never forget.💕
Former Student/Now Parent
I am 22 years old. When I was in elementary school you came to my school and I just wanted you to know that many years later your son's story still stays in my head and plays on repeat. I have told my siblings and everyone I know about this. When I was your son's age I went through what he did for many years. And for a long time, my mom blamed herself. She is a single mom of 5. I did try to take my own life many times but then we think of your presentation. Nowadays with everything that is going on in the world, I feel his story should be shared more as depression and bullying have a big factor in this age. I do want to say thank you for impacting my life so much to where years later I still think of your son's story. Please don't think that it hasn't changed someone's life because it changed mine.
Former Student/Now Young Adult
In 2012, you came to my middle school in Bethlehem PA, Nitschmann. The school has undergone major reconstruction since then, but the memories of that assembly still resonate with me to this day. And you couldn't have come at a better time, because a few weeks before that assembly, I started contemplating suicide for the first time in my life. Social isolation made middle school very rough for me and I wanted a quick way out. Your assembly saved my life and helped me see the bright side of life. And I never forgot your words, "You can always turn an ink blot into a butterfly." I was an ink blot in middle school, and your words helped me live long enough to see myself turn into a butterfly. I'm forever grateful for what you did for me that day.
Former Student/Now Young Adult

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or call me at 802-578-8229
Contact Information
John P Halligan
191 Empress Dr
Southington, CT 06489