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Speaking Fee

The following are the current fees for highly sought-after and highly effective speakers. However, my primary objective is to have the opportunity to impact as many students as possible. If my fee exceeds your budget, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am more than willing to work with you and find a solution accommodating your financial constraints.   I believe in being transparent about fees, as many other speakers do not provide this information upfront on their websites, resulting in wasted time emailing only to find they are way beyond your budget.


I am implementing a new strategy for the upcoming academic year. My presentations for parents have consistently been highly acclaimed, yet regrettably, attendance at these evening events has been limited which is unfortunately typical for any evening informational event a school holds for parents.  To address this, I opted to record the presentation over the summer and make it available via passcode-protected access throughout the school year. For a modest fee of $500, I extend the opportunity for you to disseminate this valuable resource to the entire parent/guardian population within your school district. I am optimistic that this method will significantly broaden the reach of my crucial message to parents.  If you still want the in-person version, the fee would be $900 or $1200 depending on your geographic location and still include video access too.


The above fees include all expenses incurred, including hotels, meals, airfare, parking, car rental, mileage, gas, taxi, etc.    The only cost the school will incur is what is presented here.  However, I may add to the quote an additional travel challenge fee to the second table if your location requires me to fly to a regional airport or requires a connection to get to your location.


I handle all of my travel arrangements.  Being close to NYC,  I can access four major airports to anywhere in the country. No location is too remote.


Special Discount and Cost-Sharing Options


Schools also have the option to find another school to share the day and split the fee for the day.


Some examples to illustrate the application of the first table above:  


School A books one student presentation         - $2000

School A books two student presentations       - $3000

School A and B share one day, one presentation each -  $1500 each

Some examples to illustrate the application of the second table above:  


School A books one student presentation         - $3000

School A books two student presentations       - $4000

School A and B share one day, one presentation each -  $2000 each

I have no limitations on audience size or how many schools decide to come together in one location to share the cost of the presentation.  If you are at a small school, please contact me and I will 

work with you on the fee.


For international and conference keynote booking requests, please contact me for the fee.


Financial Assistance


NYC Schools:  My NYC DOE Vendor ID is RYA050406.


NY Schools:  The BOCES Arts-in-Ed may be a source of funding.


NJ Schools: Your municipal alliance may assist with the cost since there is a connection between being bullied and being more at risk of experimenting with drugs as an escape from the pain.



Grants are also a source of funding!

Here are templates you may want to use when applying for a grant.


Christian School Grant Application Template


Public or Private School Grant Application Template

You may also want to include an article about the impact on students such as this one.

Also, here are two articles making the case for drug use prevention grants:

Bullying and Substance Abuse: Whom It Affects and Why


Family Support May Protect Against Substance Use After Bullying


All States: Here are some more potential grant funding sources: 


U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

School district funds

County Health Department funding

In some circumstances, Title I, Title IV, and Title V funds can be used for the program. City Block Grants are another possible funding source. Some schools have found eager sponsors from local businesses, primarily through the local Rotary Club, Knights of Columbus, Masons, Lions, Kiwanis, etc.  Please don’t be shy about asking them.  They love supporting a program like mine.   Concerned parents have often given financial and manpower support for bullying prevention efforts in their schools through their local PTA organization.



Payment Terms


I am very flexible with payment terms.  I do not require a deposit, and I only expect to be paid within 30 days after delivering the presentations. However, I understand that sometimes grants take a bit longer.  I assume 100% of the financial risk resulting in cancellation for any reason, including weather, the recent tragic loss of a student or staff member, mandated state testing schedule changes, etc. Although my travel and operating costs continue to rise, I have kept my fees relatively low compared to other high-quality programs, considering that school budgets continue to be tightened year to year.  I'm much more focused on trying to visit as many schools as there are school days on the calendar so I will always keep these terms and amounts reasonable. 


Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions. 


Ryan's Story Presentation LLC

(802) 578-8229

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